Des populations en meilleure santé, partout

Nous sommes guidés par des valeurs, non seulement dans le sens des valeurs auxquelles nous adhérons, mais aussi dans les solutions que nous proposons. Nous fournissons des conseils et des services fondés sur la science tout au long du cycle de vie des produits et des programmes de santé - du développement en amont à la mise en œuvre des programmes en aval, y compris la surveillance des maladies au sein des communautés, l'élaboration des politiques et la prévision de l'approvisionnement en vaccins.


  • Africa
  • Americas
  • Europe
  • Oceania
  • Albania
  • Armenia
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados
  • Belarus
  • Benin
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Cambodia
Projects - Focus Areas
  • Access
  • Evaluation
  • Implementation
  • Policy & Strategy
Projects - Vaccine Preventable Diseases
  • Cholera
  • COVID-19
  • Diphtheria
  • Enteric Fever
  • Human Papillomavirus
  • Influenza
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Measles-Rubella
  • Meningitis
Projects - Clients
  • Asian Development Bank
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Christian Medical College
  • Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI)
  • EU Commission
  • Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
  • Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC)
  • Inter American Development Bank
  • ISGlobal
Sort By (Projects)
2021 — 2024

Pilot approaches to develop national cholera plans and assist the Global Task Force on Cholera Control to implement oral cholera vaccination

Support countries to use an existing tool to estimate the costs and benefits of implementing the Ending Cholera Roadmap 2030 and support WHO to develop an oral cholera vaccination (OCV) deployment strategy.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
  • Focus Project
2020 — 2023

Evaluating the impact of electronic Logistic Management Information Systems (eLMIS) and electronic Immunisation Registries (EIR) in low- and middle-income countries

Multi-country evaluation generating evidence on the effectiveness, affordability and sustainability of eIR and eLMIS in low- and middle-income countries.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
Image Credit: Vaxxas
  • Focus Project
2021 — 2023

Define use cases for micro-array patches for typhoid conjugate vaccines and assess their market feasibility

Develop and validate use cases for typhoid conjugate vaccine microarray patches (TCV-MAPs), determine which countries would use TCV-MAPs, and forecast potential demand as part of the development of the full vaccine value assessment.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
  • Focus Project
2022 — 2023

Tuberculosis vaccine market analysis

Evaluate the viability and impact of investment in the clinical development of a new TB vaccine.

Wellcome Trust
  • Focus Project
2022 — 2022

Develop an operational framework for the European Immunization Agenda 2030

Support the WHO European Regional Office to operationalize the European Immunization Agenda 2030 (EIA2030).

World Health Organisation (WHO)
  • Focus Project
2021 — 2022

Assess the factors enabling the rapid development and approval of COVID-19 vaccines

Identify and understand the factors that accelerated COVID-19 vaccine development and authorization timelines and develop actions to replicate these factors for vaccines needed in low- and middle-income countries.

Wellcome Trust
  • Focus Project
Image Credit: Akiko Harayama
  • Focus Project
2020 — 2021

Define and prioritize research questions to support Ending Cholera – A Global Roadmap to 2030

Create a guide that focuses the allocation of resources (financial and human) towards answering the most pressing research questions that will have the most significant impact on our ability to control cholera.

Wellcome Trust
Image Credit: Helena Spongenberg
  • Focus Project
2020 — 2021

Development of the European Immunization Agenda 2030

Development of the European regional adaptation of the global vision and strategies for immunization for the period 2021-2030.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: United Nations
  • Focus Project
2020 — 2021

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) mid-term review 

Conduct a mid-term review of CEPI to help improve operations and vaccine development.

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI)
Image Credit: Swarnavo Chakrabarti
  • Focus Project
2019 — 2020

Understanding the vaccine ecosystem: structure and challenges

Evaluation of the vaccine development ecosystem to identify areas for investment to support more efficient vaccine development for low-income countries and diseases with epidemic potential.

Wellcome Trust
Image Credit: Unicef
  • Focus Project
2019 — 2020

Development of the Measles and Rubella Strategic Framework 2021-2030

Supporting development of the 10-year strategic framework for measles and rubella.

Measles & Rubella Partnership
Image Credit: Akiko Harayama
  • Focus Project
2018 — 2018

Develop an investment case for a global roadmap to ending cholera

Develop a multi-sectorial investment case to support advocacy for fundraising to implement the Ending Cholera: A Global Roadmap to 2030 strategy.

Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Image Credit: CDC
  • Focus Project
Photo credit: Markus Spiske
2023 — Ongoing

Progress report on the European Agenda 2030 (EIA2030)

Support the WHO European Regional Office to monitor progress on the implementation of the European Immunization Agenda 2030 (EIA2030).

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2021 — 2024

Develop country training materials on the preparation, implementation and monitoring of OCV campaigns

Develop and pilot technical training materials for oral cholera vaccination (OCV) campaigns.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
2022 — 2023

Papua New Guinea full immunisation and health system strengthening portfolio planning

Support Papua New Guinea’s application for an immunization and health system strengthening grant.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
2022 — 2022

Ghana malaria vaccine application support

Support Ghana to continue and expand malaria vaccination.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
2022 — 2022

Improving health worker learning and performance management

Assist Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in developing a vision and strategic direction for improving health worker learning and performance.

Image Credit: Jake Nebov
2020 — 2021

Assess the UN supply chain system COVID-19 response 

Identifying areas for improving pandemic readiness in the UN supply chain for biomedical supplies. 

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2019 — 2020

Develop a business case for a macrofilaricide as part of onchocerciasis treatment and control

Development of a business case for the use of macrofilaricide drugs to control onchocerciasis.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2018 — 2019

Preparing for implementation of the Ending Cholera Roadmap 2030

Support the Global Task Force on Cholera Control to implement the Ending Cholera: A Roadmap to 2030 by creating guidance to assist the development of country cholera strategies.

Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC)
Image Credit: CDC
2019 — 2019

Improving access to meningitis vaccines

Support to the International Coordinating Group (ICG) for meningitis to improve access to vaccines for the international stockpile.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2019 — 2019

Evaluating the INCLEN Trust Childhood Pneumonia Programme in India

Independent evaluation of a childhood pneumonia research project.

The INCLEN Trust International
Image Credit: MMGH/Thomas Cherian
2019 — 2019

Evaluating tier 2 surveillance sites for the National Surveillance System for Enteric Fever in India

An independent site evaluation of a multicentric surveillance project for enteric fever in India.

Christian Medical College
2019 — 2019

Improving vaccine access in the South-Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN)

Improving vaccine access in South-Eastern Europe Health Network member states through an improved knowledge base and procurement strategies.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2018 — 2019

Gap analysis of evidence and information on the acceptability and access to maternal immunization

Gap analysis of evidence and information on the acceptability of, and access to, maternal immunization that contributed to the development of a roadmap for advancing maternal immunization against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Image Credit: MMGH/Thomas Cherian
2018 — 2019

Framework for the establishment of a programme performance monitoring unit in Myanmar

Support to the Myanmar Ministry of Health to strengthen leadership, management and coordination of public health programmes.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
2018 — 2018

Mid-term evaluation of the European Vaccine Action Plan 2015-2020

Mid-term progress report of the European Vaccine Action Plan 2015-2020.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2018 — 2018

WHO position paper on pneumococcal conjugate vaccines for children under 5 years of age

Support WHO to draft and publish the position paper on pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in infants and children under 5 years of age.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: IOC/Fiocruz/Gutemberg Brito
2017 — 2018

Develop a business case for a schistosomiasis vaccine

Development of a business case for investment and further development of a schistosomiasis vaccine.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2021 — Ongoing

Papua New Guinea Measles & Rubella campaign

MMGH is supporting Papua New Guinea in applying for Gavi funds needed to plan and implement a Measles & Rubella (MR) follow-up campaign. The campaign will also include a routine immunisation strengthening component as well as catch-up for zero-dose children, notably in hard to reach areas.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
2021 — Ongoing

Evaluating WHO’s role in supporting early COVID-19 sero-epidemiologic studies: the Unity Initiative

MMGH is evaluating WHO Health Emergency Program’s role in supporting countries to conduct COVID-19 sero-epidemiologic investigations, the “Unity initiative”. This initiative developed scientifically vetted and standardised protocols to facilitate the conduct of early serologic studies in any resources setting. The purpose of these studies is to inform country actions towards protecting their vulnerable populations and citisens at large. MMGH is gathering and synthesizing information on how countries used UNITY resources (study protocols, technical assistance, financial support) and how WHO and partners managed and facilitated support. The aim is to document what worked well and what can be optimised in terms of readiness to support high-quality investigations in future large-scale outbreaks.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2021 — Ongoing

Rapid Vaccine Manufacturing Diagnostic Study

MMGH is assisting the Inter-American Development Bank to prepare a rapid vaccine supply diagnostic study in support of work aimed at generating capacities in the countries that integrate PROSUR to produce vaccines for disease epidemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this project, MMGH is assessing existing vaccine manufacturing capacity in LAC region countries and regional demand and procurement mechanisms for COVID-19 and non-pandemic routine vaccines. A framework is also being developed to evaluate the optimal locations for investment to establish future vaccine manufacutring and fill and finish capabilities.

Inter American Development Bank
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2019 — Ongoing

Advocacy for the Vaccine Against Invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella (Vacc-iNTS) project

MMGH is part of the Vaccine Against Invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella (Vacc-iNTS) consortium, made up of 12 partners from eight different countries including three disease-endemic countries. The initiative advances the development of an iNTS vaccine by conducting a Phase I clinical study in Europe and Africa. The project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, will investigate the immunogenicity and safety of a iNTS-GMMA vaccine. As part of this effort MMGH will focus on strengthening a collaborative network to enhance disease awareness and drive vaccine advocacy.

EU Commission
2021 — Ongoing

Develop and size use cases for seasonal influenza vaccines

MMGH is supporting the US CDC and WHO to validate preliminary use cases and country archetypes previously developed for seasonal influenza vaccines. MMGH is conducting staekholder surveys, interviews and workshops with global influenza experts to validate the use cases and country archetypes for seasonal influenza vaccines developed in the earlier project. These activities are also supporting the development of an analytical framework that is applicable to any influenza vaccine profile (e.g., next-generation and universal influenza vaccines). The project will help to support the full value of seasonal influenza vaccine assessment, including key market dynamics analayses and roadmaps and action plans for current and future seasonal influenza vaccine use.

World Health Organisation (WHO), Task Force for Global Health
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2022 — 2024

Conduct COVID-19 vaccine post-introduction evaluations (cPIEs) and programme improvement workshops in low- and middle-income countries

MMGH is supporting the Task Force for Global Health, US CDC and WHO in conducting cPIEs in 8 countries. This includes the development of generic training materials for the online and/or face-to-face training of evaluators and the actual conduct of the respective training sessions. MMGH staff will lead cPIEs in three countries, which includes preparation and implementation of the evaluation, the synthesis of findings, the debriefing and report writing. MMGH staff will also participate in 5 additional cPIEs and will summarise cross-learnings to share with other countries.

Task Force for Global Health
2019 — 2023

Definition and market sizing of the use cases for micro-array patches for Measles-Rubella vaccine

MMGH supports the WHO’s Vaccine Product & Delivery Research department in defining and sizing (including a demand forecast) the use cases for a Measles Rubella vaccine micro-array patch (MAP). The use cases and their market sises are assessed and validated via expert consultation across a broad group of stakeholders, including country programme managers, global experts, and pharmaceutical and development agencies. The approach and methodology was validated by the WHO Immunisation and Vaccines Related Implementation Research Advisory Committee (IVIR-AC), Measles-Rubella MR-MAP Working group, and the Market for Information to Access Advisory Group. The project is now focusing on further understanding self-administration of MR-MAPs and will be extended to include MMR-MAPs. The project will help the WHO in better aligning MAP product development efforts to the measles-rubella control and implementation needs and the Gavi Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS).

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2020 — 2021

Evaluation of linking supplementary immunisation activities and routine immunisation in Nepal

MMGH assisted the WHO Country Office and Ministry of Health (MoH) Nepal in the evaluation of a new initiative linking supplementary immunisation activities (SIAs), against measles and rubella, with intensified follow-up of children who had missed their routine immunisation doses. MMGH collaborated with Routes 2 Results in designing a mixed methods research protocol, developing and pre-testing survey and data collection forms, and supervising a local agency carrying out the research in four provinces of the country. The work will inform the MoH of Nepal and of other countries about the effectiveness of the new interventions to strengthen routine immunisation service delivery through an SIA-based approach.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2021 — 2021

Market analysis on COVID-19 vaccine regional self-sufficiency for Asian countries 

Testing regional self-sufficiency for access to the COVID-19 vaccine in Asia. 

Asian Development Bank
Image Credit: CDC
2019 — 2021

Demand forecast and financial sustainability analysis for a group B streptococcal vaccine

MMGH supported the WHO Initiative for Vaccine Research (IVR) in developing a variety of forecast scenarios for the demand of a group B streptococcal (GBS) vaccine administered through maternal immunisation. The forecast was validated by an Expert Advisory Group. Based on the potential vaccine profiles, MMGH assessed the financial viability of the vaccine for a prospective developer. The output of the work will inform the WHO Public Health Value Proposition and contribute to advocacy efforts aimed at supporting the creation of a healthy market for the vaccine.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
2020 — 2021

COVID-19 Support to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

MMGH supported Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance by documenting and synthesizing its key decisions related to the COVAX Facility and COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC). Activities include a desk review, key informant interviews, and thematic analysis. The conclusions from this work will serve to improve Gavi’s current learnings on the COVAX Facility and COVAX AMC design, governance, and operationalisation. Further information on the COVAX Facility and COVAX AMC can be found on the Gavi website.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
2019 — 2020

Operationalisation of group B streptococcal maternal vaccination

MMGH supported the WHO Initiative for Vaccine Research (IVR) in preparing a report on the considerations for operationalising group B streptococcal (GBS) maternal vaccination as part of a Public Health Value Proposition for GBS vaccines. The report was developed on the basis of an extensive literature review and an online survey gathering information on global and country stakeholder perceptions on GBS disease, its public health importance, and the prioritisation of GBS vaccination as a means to reduce its impact.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2019 — 2019

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) affordability analysis

MMGH supported the WHO Department of Immunisation and Biologicals (IVB) in defining a logical framework to assess the barriers to access human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in middle-income countries, with a focus on affordability. The project, performed in collaboration with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), led to the identification of a subset of countries that can benefit from specific technical assistance related to affordability and access.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2019 — 2019

Evaluation of the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020

MMGH supported the WHO Department of Immunisation, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) in the evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the current Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), its monitoring and evaluation and accountability framework, and the added value it provides to the global immunisation arena. The project included a comparative landscape analysis of global immunisation in 2010 and 2018, and a description of the overall progress on the plan’s goals and strategic objectives. In this project, MMGH partnered with the Task Force for Global Health.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Stefano Malvolti
2019 — 2019

Evaluation of WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation (SAGE)

MMGH supported the WHO Department of Immunisation, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) and the Expert Advisory Group on SAGE Evaluation (EAGSE) in assessing the relevance, effectiveness and quality of SAGE’s processes and deliverables. The evaluation was to ensure that SAGE continues to provide high quality strategic advice in all areas of the evolving immunisation and global health agenda. The project included scoping the evaluation, performing stakeholder consultations, gathering and analysing findings, facilitating the review by the EAGSE, and developing recommendations and the evaluation report.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2019 — 2019

Application for Gavi support for human papillomavirus vaccine introduction in Cambodia

MMGH assisted the National Immunisation Program (NIP), Ministry of Health Cambodia, and the WHO Country Office in Phnom Penh with the Gavi application process for the introduction of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. MMGH conducted a review of the earlier pilot programme implementation and derived lessons learned, facilitated the decision-making of the country Technical Working Group for Health on defining target age groups and delivery settings, and assisted in establishing detailed implementation plans including coverage monitoring, cold chain expansion, communications and demand creation. MMGH supported the NIP in responding to additional queries throughout the Gavi approval process as well as in developing robust vaccine demand forecasts and financial budgets in view of the country’s imminent transition from Gavi support. The application was approved by the Gavi Independent Review Committee (IRC) in March 2019.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2019 — 2019

Redesign of the Eliminate Yellow Fever programme governance and work plan

MMGH supported the Eliminate Yellow Fever (EYE) Secretariat at WHO in streamlining programme governance and defining the general lines of action to serve as the foundation of a three-year multi-agency workplan. MMGH facilitated the interaction across the different partner agencies involved in the initiative and advised on the redesign of a streamlined governance structure. The streamlined governance structure should enable the initiative to have a more effective response to implementation challenges.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2018 — 2018

Development of a comprehensive Multi-Year Plan in Lao PDR

MMGH supported the Ministry of Health and the WHO Country Office of Lao PDR in the review of the National Immunisation Program (NIP) and the establishment and update of a comprehensive multi-year plan (cMYP) for 2019-2023. This plan specifically lays out the implementation and monitoring of existing and new vaccines and provides detailed insights into the financial needs and resource allocations in view of the country’s upcoming graduation from donor support.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: Yasmina Guerda
2018 — 2018

Development of operational guidelines on equity in immunisation

MMGH supported the WHO Regional Office for Europe in drafting operational guidelines for programme managers to measure inequities in immunisation, with a focus on understanding the root causes and implementing solutions to achieve equity in access to immunisation.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2018 — 2018

Middle Income Countries strategy for the European region

MMGH supported the WHO Regional Office for Europe in developing a strategic framework to address the challenges faced by the middle-income countries in the region. This framework informed the development of a detailed roadmap to implement the recommended actions.

Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2018 — 2018

Strategy for accelerated control of Japanese encephalitis in South East Asia

MMGH supported the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific in developing a guide for accelerating control of Japanese encephalitis (JE). The guide outlines regional targets, defines strategies and activities to accomplish these targets, and provides a framework for countries to develop national plans tailored to their situation. MMGH collaborated with the WHO Regional Office, country representatives and global experts to facilitate a meeting, draft the guidance and work towards an endorsed and funded strategy for JE control in the region.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2018 — 2018

Training the trainer for pandemic influenza preparedness

MMGH supported the WHO Department of Infectious Hazard Management (IHM) in the preparation and facilitation of a workshop on country preparedness for vaccine deployment in the event of an influenza pandemic. The main objective was to create a network of international experts that would be able to support their own country, and other countries, to develop national pandemic preparedness plans, and for participants to become educators about the need for countries to be prepared for a pandemic. MMGH revised and updated the WHO “Guidance on Development of a National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for Pandemic Influenza Vaccines” together with its associated Checklist, as well as all necessary workshop materials.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2017 — 2018

Influenza vaccine post-introduction evaluation (IPIE) in middle-income countries

A tablet-based Influenza Vaccine Post-Introduction Evaluation (IPIE) tool was developed by MMGH jointly with WHO, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute to provide a systematic approach to assess the influenza vaccine implementation process. The tool was used in three middle-income countries: Belarus, Morocco and Thailand. Data from the three countries highlighted a number of critical factors related to: health workers as a target group and as key influencers; unique challenges for acceptance of the vaccine in pregnant women; and the need for strengthening adverse events reporting and of potential vaccine hesitancy. The assessments led to improvements in the countries’ influenza vaccination programmes. The IPIE tool was found useful for delineating operational strengths and weaknesses of seasonal influenza vaccination programmes.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2018 — 2018

Evaluation of the enteric fever surveillance pilot programme in Ghana

MMGH supported the WHO Initiative for Vaccine Research (IVR) in assessing the feasibility and reliability of integrating surveillance of enteric fever (EF) and invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis (iNTS) in the WHO-coordinated Global Invasive Bacterial Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance Network. In Ghana, MMGH conducted two successive evaluations of the EF and iNTS surveillance pilot programmes using a newly developed structured assessment tool. The evaluation included on-site reviews of clinical and epidemiological aspects of the surveillance system, the assessment of the participating microbiology laboratories, and of overall data quality and surveillance network management.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: Lorenzo Pezzoli
2017 — 2017

Definition of the governance setup, funding framework and costing for the new strategy Ending Cholera: A Global Roadmap to 2030

MMGH supported the Global Task Force for Cholera Control in the definition of the new Cholera Control strategy. MMGH focused on the design of the governance and funding framework, as well as the costing of the Democratic Republic of Congo case study. The strategy was endorsed in October 2017 by the Cholera Stakeholders meeting in Annecy.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: Lorenzo Pezzoli
2018 — 2018

Development of the Oral Cholera Vaccine preferred product characteristics

MMGH supported the WHO Initiative for Vaccine Research (IVR) in updating the Preferred Product Characteristics for the Oral Cholera Vaccine. MMGH facilitated the expert meeting and coordinated the drafting of the final document providing updated guidance to vaccine developers consistent with the strategic axes of the new Cholera Roadmap.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2017 — 2017

Maternal Immunisation and Antenatal Care Situational Analysis (MIACSA)

MMGH supported the WHO in conducting a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation supported project that investigated and analysed the status of maternal immunisation delivery strategies in low and middle-income countries. This included developing a typology of health systems in terms of how they deliver vaccines to pregnant women, and exploring approaches to improve country readiness for delivering new maternal vaccines, such as those against Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Group B Streptococcus.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2017 — 2017

Mid-Term review of the Regional Strategic Plan for Immunisation for the African Region

MMGH supported the WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) in performing the mid-term review of the Regional Strategic Plan for Immunisation 2014-2020. MMGH prepared an extensive desk review, facilitated a face-to-face session of the external review panel, summarised and consolidated review findings, assisted in the development of recommendations and in the presentation of a final evaluation report to the AFRO Regional Immunisation Technical Advisory Group.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2017 — 2017

Application for Gavi support for Human Papillomavirus and Rotavirus vaccine introduction in Lao PDR

MMGH supported the Ministry of Health and the WHO Country Office of Lao PDR in developing two successful Gavi applications for the introduction of Human Papillomavirus and Rotavirus vaccines.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Stefano Malvolti
2018 — 2018

Definition of a capacity building plan for Gavi’s Country Programmes department

MMGH supported the Country Programmes department of the Gavi Secretariat in defining its competency model and related training programmes. Partnering with Gavi’s Human Resource and Knowledge Management department and conducting focus group discussions, MMGH identified the key elements of the model and designed assessment tools and a training curriculum.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
Image Credit: WHO
2017 — 2017

Review of Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020

MMGH supported the WHO Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) Secretariat in developing a process and structure of the GVAP follow-up plan for the period 2021 – 2030. MMGH performed in-depth consultations with key stakeholders, presented summary findings and a suggested way forward to the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) in Immunisation, including the development of a timeline and plan of operations for submission of the new GVAP to the 2020 World Health Assembly.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel
2017 — 2017

Review of Gavi-supported data strengthening activities

MMGH supported the Monitoring & Evaluation Unit of the Gavi Secretariat in performing a review and synthesis of Gavi-funded data strengthening partner activities of WHO, UNICEF, US CDC, and WB and presented findings at a Monitoring, Data Systems and Strategic Information partner workshop which defined the future direction of this work.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
Image Credit: Akiko Harayama
2017 — 2017

Documentation of lessons learnt from the Oral Cholera Vaccine campaign in Haiti

MMGH supported the WHO Infectious Hazard Management (IHM) team in performing an evaluation of the management processes of the Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) campaign in Haiti. MMGH conducted interviews with key stakeholders and summarised the findings to support the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) processes re-engineering discussion.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image Credit: Lorenzo Pezzoli
2017 — 2017

Review of the Oral Cholera Vaccine Working Group of the Global Task Force on Cholera Control

MMGH supported the WHO in assessing the functioning of the Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) Working Group of the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC). MMGH performed stakeholder interviews and prepared a White Paper that summarised successes and areas for improvement contributing to the redesign of the WG processes.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2017 — 2017

Development of the WHO’s typhoid vaccines position paper

MMGH supported the WHO Initiative for Vaccine Research (IVR) in facilitating a Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation (SAGE) Working Group review of the scientific evidence and programmematic considerations supporting use of typhoid vaccines, with a focus on conjugate vaccines. The resulting vaccine recommendations were endorsed by the WHO SAGE in October 2017 and published as a WHO Position Paper.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2017 — 2017

Immunisation Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) ToR revision

MMGH supported the WHO Immunisation Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) Secretariat in revising the committee’s Terms of Reference (ToR). Based on information collected by MMGH during a series of in-depth stakeholder interviews and discussions, the functions of the committee were aligned with the new WHO structure and workplan as well as with those of other WHO global immunisation advisory groups.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
2023 — Ongoing

Develop a business case for a new drug for the treatment of onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis

Establishing the business case for investment in new drugs to treat the neglected tropical diseases onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
— Ongoing

Develop a measles-rubella strategy for WHO’s European region

World Health Organisation (WHO)
  • Focus Project
— Ongoing

Develop a targeted demand forecast for measles-rubella microarray patches

World Health Organisation (WHO)
— Ongoing

Conduct COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness analyses

World Health Organisation (WHO)
— Ongoing

Develop a Full Value of Influenza Vaccine Assessment

World Health Organisation (WHO)
— Ongoing

Develop a measles-rubella strategy for WHO’s European region

World Health Organisation (WHO)
— Ongoing

Develop a targeted demand forecast for measles-rubella microarray patches

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
— Ongoing

Support to market shaping roadmap for novel Tuberculosis vaccines

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)
  • Focus Project
2024 — Ongoing

Support to countries to plan for preventive oral cholera vaccination (pOCV)

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (Gavi)