Application for Gavi support for human papillomavirus vaccine introduction in Cambodia
MMGH assisted the National Immunisation Program (NIP), Ministry of Health Cambodia, and the WHO Country Office in Phnom Penh with the Gavi application process for the introduction of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. MMGH conducted a review of the earlier pilot programme implementation and derived lessons learned, facilitated the decision-making of the country Technical Working Group for Health on defining target age groups and delivery settings, and assisted in establishing detailed implementation plans including coverage monitoring, cold chain expansion, communications and demand creation. MMGH supported the NIP in responding to additional queries throughout the Gavi approval process as well as in developing robust vaccine demand forecasts and financial budgets in view of the country’s imminent transition from Gavi support. The application was approved by the Gavi Independent Review Committee (IRC) in March 2019.