  • Asia
  • The Philippines
  • Europe
  • Albania
  • Africa
  • Americas
  • Lao DPR
  • Armenia
  • Barbados
  • Benin
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • Lebanon
  • Maldives
  • Mongolia
  • Nepal
  • Thailand
2022 — 2024

Conduct COVID-19 vaccine post-introduction evaluations (cPIEs) and programme improvement workshops in low- and middle-income countries


MMGH is supporting the Task Force for Global Health, US CDC and WHO in conducting cPIEs in 8 countries. This includes the development of generic training materials for the online and/or face-to-face training of evaluators and the actual conduct of the respective training sessions. MMGH staff will lead cPIEs in three countries, which includes preparation and implementation of the evaluation, the synthesis of findings, the debriefing and report writing. MMGH staff will also participate in 5 additional cPIEs and will summarise cross-learnings to share with other countries.

Image Credit: MMGH/Carsten Mantel

The goal of MMGH’s support was to strengthen global and country-specific evaluation and learning processes. This included conducting cPIEs to assess immunization programs in eight countries, developing and delivering evaluator training, summarizing cross-learnings, and tailoring activities to local contexts. MMGH also aimed to enhance knowledge sharing by co-leading the Global C-19 Exchange Forum and facilitating impactful discussions. Additionally, MMGH supported a global workshop to align agendas, materials, and findings with strategic objectives, contributing to meaningful dialogue and actionable outcome.

MMGH collaborated with the Task Force for Global Health, US CDC, and WHO to conduct cPIEs in ten countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Caribbean. This included developing training materials for online and in-person evaluator training, leading cPIES in three countries, and preparing findings, debriefings, and reports for country stakeholders. MMGH also participated in five additional cPIEs, summarized cross-learnings to share with other countries, and provided strategic guidance to tailor activities for global and country-specific contexts. Additionally, MMGH co-led the planning, preparation, facilitation, and reporting of the Global C-19 Exchange Forum. Following the cPIES, MMGH also supported 3 in-country Programme Improvement Workshops which focused on cross-country knowledge sharing on vaccination and immunization efforts following the pandemic and conducted cPIEs. Contributions included preparing materials, facilitating key sessions, and leading the post-workshop report to capture findings and discussions.

Supporting the strengthening of immunization programs and pandemic preparedness globally. From this support, ten detailed cPIE and two Programme Improvement Workshops were developped for country stakeholders to guide actionable enhancements of country immunization programmes. Additionally, MMGH co-led the development of the COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccination: Global Exchange Forum on Integrated Immunization Programs Report, a detailed report summarizing key country lessons learned during COVID to enhance pandemic preparedness and immunization integration strategies.

Focus Area