— Ongoing

Malaria Vaccines Statistical Analysis and Data Management Technical Support

Collect, collate and analyse relevant epidemiologic data from suitable sites globally in support of accelerating the development and evidence-based use of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies against pathogens with significant disease and socio-economic burden in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).
Specifically, the consortium will perform statistical analysis and technical support for data management on malaria vaccines and other vaccines and monoclonal antibodies and support technical support and vaccine impact modelling, including cost-effectiveness analysis, systematic reviews and meta-analysis for pathogens with significant disease and economic burden.

The results will contribute to full evidence review on recommended malaria vaccines developed by the WHO PDR unit and Malaria Vaccines Team. Generated outputs will also support the WHO PDR unit to identify and respond to the research priorities and needs of immunization programmes in LMICs, to inform the global vaccine R&D agenda, and to strategically advance development and uptake of priority vaccines.

Focus Area