  • Oral Cholera Vaccine
  • Cholera
  • Global Task Force on Cholera Control
2021 — 2024

Pilot approaches to develop national cholera plans and assist the Global Task Force on Cholera Control to implement oral cholera vaccination


Support countries to use an existing tool to estimate the costs and benefits of implementing the Ending Cholera Roadmap 2030 and support WHO to develop an oral cholera vaccination (OCV) deployment strategy.

  • To develop and document a succinct, replicable and sustainable methodology to support country engagement in resource mobilization for their national cholera plans.
  • To support the development of an oral cholera vaccine (OCV) deployment strategy and implementation and monitoring of OCV campaigns.
  • To provide continuous support to the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) OCV working group to aid the development of technical guidance and processes related to OCV deployment.
This project was conducted in collaboration with Global Health Visions and focused on piloting approaches for countries to develop national cholera plans. MMGH reviewed variables and key assumptions used to estimate costs and benefits from the global investment case, and simplified the tool to assist countries to develop their national estimates. MMGH assisted the GTFCC OCV working group by developing a high level OCV deployment strategy and related work plan, and providing ad hoc technical support to the implementation and monitoring of OCV campaigns. This work included assisting WHO to convene relevant subgroups to develop technical guidance on prioritizing OCV interventions for priority areas for multisectoral interventions, the development of guidance related to multi-year OCV plans, and the development of an OCV supply allocation framework. Finally, MMGH provided technical support to Global Health Visions to facilitate an execution planning workshop of all GTFCC stakeholders to identify concrete actions and responsibilities to support countries in implementing the Cholera Roadmap.

Developed a simplified excel tool that leverages the Global Investment Case methodology that countries can tailor to their own situation to develop cost / benefit estimates for advocacy purposes to implement the Ending Cholera Roadmap 2030.

Focus Area