  • Strategy
  • Europe
  • Evaluation
  • EIA2030
  • Progress Report
2023 — Ongoing

Progress report on the European Agenda 2030 (EIA2030)


Support the WHO European Regional Office to monitor progress on the implementation of the European Immunization Agenda 2030 (EIA2030).

Photo credit: Markus Spiske
  • To support VPI/EURO to clean and analyse data on the progress indicators for EIA2030 and draft progress reports.
MMGH had earlier supported VPI/EURO to prepare the EIA2030, which was endorsed by the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. Following a request from the Regional Committee, VPI/EURO has requested MMGH support for data analysis and drafting reports on progress against the EIA2030 monitoring indicators. MMGH is supporting VPI/EURO to clean and analyse data reported by Member States in the region to assess progress against the EIA2030 impact goal and strategic objective monitoring indicators. MMGH will also draft two reports, one to the WHO Regional Committee for the European region that focuses on the impact goal indicators, and a more detailed report on progress against both the impact goal and strategic objective indicators of EIA2030. Once complete, the reports will be published online.

The reports will enable the WHO, the Regional Committee, Member States and relevant decision-making bodies to assess progress on the implementation of EIA2030.

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