  • Asia
  • Evaluation
  • Gavi
  • Leadership Management and Coordination
  • Myanmar
2018 — 2019

Framework for the establishment of a programme performance monitoring unit in Myanmar


Support to the Myanmar Ministry of Health to strengthen leadership, management and coordination of public health programmes.

Image Credit: MMGH/Thomas Cherian
  • Assess leadership, management and coordination of the national immunisation programme in Myanmar.
  • Support Myanmar in developing an application to Gavi for support in strengthening the overall coordination structures and processes of national health programmes.
MMGH supported the Myanmar Government in its aim to establish a Programme Performance Monitoring Unit by conducting an assessment of its national health programmes, with a focus on the national immunization programme. The evaluation examined the overall coordination structures and processes for national health programmes, how they interacted with each other at the national level, and the financial management of public health programmes. Based on the evaluation findings, the government acknowledged the need to strengthen its financial management systems to manage donor funds which is critical to improve government ownership and coordination of national public health programmes. Following the assessment, MMGH supported the Ministry of Health to successfully prepare and apply for Gavi support to strengthen their financial management systems.

The Myanmar Ministry of Health was able to successfully apply for and receive Gavi support to strengthen their financial management systems.

Focus Area