
Carlo Federici


Carlo Federici

Bachelor of Economics, University of Genoa, Italy

Master of Science in Health Economics, University of York, United Kingdom

PhD, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Carlo Federici is a health economist with 10 years of experience in conducting economic evaluations of healthcare technologies and healthcare programmes in both the public and private sector.

At MMGH Carlo provides clients with in-depth insights on the potential cost-effectiveness of health interventions, collecting and generating evidence on whether they provide good value for money.

Since 2014, Carlo is a faculty member of Global Health and Non-Profit Division at SDA Bocconi School of Management. In the area of Global Health, Carlo has participated in several research projects focusing on childhood immunization and maternal and neonatal care. Carlo has served, or is currently serving, in several EU-funded research projects focusing on methodological research on Health Technology Assessment (HTA) (COMED and MedTEHTA projects); the economic evaluation of innovative clinical solutions (SAGITTARIUS project); or actions to promote the diffusion and adoption of HTA methods and practices (SUSTAIN-HTA), among others.

Carlo is an active member of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR), the Italian association of health economics (AIES) and the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). Since 2017, he has served as topic editor for the journal Clinical Therapeutics, in the Pharmacoeconomics, Outcomes, and Health Policy area.

Carlo is a mountain lover, passionate about endurance sports, and soul music & derivatives.

Health economics, Health economic modelling, HTA, Biostatistics, Cost analysis